I was a Primary Teacher for over 25 years and have seen the way society is changing. Our children, like us, are living in a fast paced world. They have many opportunities to attend clubs and activities, which while stimulating and good often mean they are rushed from one venue to another, trying to fit homework, school and family life in and around their activities. Kids are not always given the opportunity to “just be” and learn tools that can help them in their future years. My training as a children’s yoga and mindfulness teacher with Chrysalis Kids in Prestwich, Manchester and my long experience as a primary teacher enable me to work both individually and with groups of children. I also work in school with adults through in service and twilight programmes as well as with the children. I am a registered primary teacher with the General Teaching Council of Scotland and also a registered mindfulness teacher with The British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches (BAMBA)